CEO and Founder of Nefarious Jobs- Former Law Enforcement professional and Corporate Security expert with over 25 years experience in investigation and business counter-intelligence. Runs the Platinum membership teams.
John Winters- CEO

Director of Operations for Nefarious Jobs in the UK and EU Nations. Katelyn has extensive experience in complex operations and utilizes her dizzying array of contacts to insure that our clients receive the very best services in the industry. She is both serious and severe and has never been heard to laugh except at the end of an operation.
Katelyn Edwards- Director Of Operations UK/EU Branch- Platinum Team

Jeff Daniels acts as head of domestic operations and oversight manager. He schedules operations and assigns teams from our pool of over 100 operators. He is never one to mince words or make contact unless there is something important to report. A man who is completely fearless. He does however harbor a certain dislike for clowns, as one unfortunately at a bar discovered after a performance at cirque du soleil. We are told that the clown recovered after a time.
Jeff Daniels- Domestic Oversight operations Manager- Platinum team

Ash operates in India where he recruits the very best computer science students and professionals in the industry to assist our operations. These teams get us the information we require to fulfill the requests of our many clients.
Ashminder "Ash" Singh- Tech Asset Management Director- Platinum Team

Michael is the guardian of Nefarious Jobs. He monitors communications and investigates internal and external threats, and deals with them....